About us

Фотография сообщества

    We are an independent decentralized community of art managers, cultural project producers, curators, art entrepreneurs, art institution managers, art event organizers, gallery owners, art PR people, art critics, researchers of the contemporary art process and journalists writing about art, as well as specialists in PR and digital technologies in art.


    • Through the consolidation of members of the art community, we strive to create a platform for dialogue, reflection, and effective interaction between cultural figures of different generations, competencies, and trends.
    • We want to help members of the art community to continue working in the new reality, not fall out of the global cultural context, and maintain and develop their professional level.
    • We consider it important through our activities to be involved in building a cultural and humanitarian agenda based on respect between representatives of different cultures, creativity, and security.

    • Consolidation and development of a program and strategy for the work of the community, aimed at the long term
    • Creation of infrastructure and a set of available tools and resources for the systematic and methodical work of art community members
    • Interaction with similar associations, professional associations and initiatives with similar values
    • Support for regional independent art initiatives aimed at intercultural dialogue

    • Free consulting by practitioners in the areas - visa / psychological / legal assistance / logistics / PR / IT / insurance / sales / Digital Marketing / digitization and NFT;
    • Regular reviews of opportunities for artists - competitions, awards, art residencies, grants;
    • Open educational programs for the professional updating of participants in the art ecosystem;
    • Interaction programs for brands/companies and artists/art projects/initiatives;
    • Support packages for cultural initiatives and cultural entrepreneurs;
    • Regular research of the art ecosystem, preparation and visualization of analytics;
    • Exhibition (offline and online) and discussion events;
    • Interviews with representatives of the art community;
    • Open database of the art ecosystem (institutions/initiatives/events);
    • Administration of crowdsourcing, fundraising and crowdsourcing campaigns;